Terms and Conditions

Fat Freezing / Electrolipolysis Therapy Agreement

  1. The use of the Fat Freeze (Cryolipo) / Electrolipolysis technique is designed for a safer alternative to liposuction, and it remodels the shape of the body and reduces bulges of resistant fat.
  2. The treatment will not guarantee to:
    • Achieve a specific result in any person
    • Reduce cellulite permanently without maintenance therapy
    • Diagnose any disease or other condition
    • Cure, mitigate, treat or prevent disease
    • Affect structure and functions of the body
  3. Prior to commencing treatment, the patient is required to supply a medical certificate, if requested to do so by the therapist.
  4. By using the Fat Freeze (Cryolipo) therapy, one should start seeing results after 4 – 12 weeks of treatment. Treatments are 20 minutes per area and 1 – 3 treatments are needed depending on the thickness of the resistant fat. Treatments can be repeated at 45 day intervals.
  5. By using the Electrolipolysis treatment one should start seeing results after the 1session. Treatments are 60 minutes and can be repeated 2 times per week. Lifestyle change in combination with diet and Electrolipolysis treatment is recommended for best results.
  6. Payment is as per agreement, by way of cash or EFT transfer.
  7. Please note that all appointments not cancelled 24 hours in advance will be charged for.
  8. The clinic will not be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage to property on the premises during the course of a treatment.
  9. Risks may include redness, bruising and reduce sensation affects are normal, and usually go away.
  10. The patient has presented him / herself for a course of Fat Freezing (Cryolipo) / Electrolipolysis treatments and has had the procedure, possible side effects and         contra-inductions explained to him / her by